Friday, October 24, 2008


Bronx High School of Science
75 West 205th Street, Bronx, NY 10468
tel: (718) 817-7700

Subways: 4, B or D to Bedford Park Boulevard
Buses: BX1, BX2, BX22, BX26C, BX28, BX32, BX39, BQE Liberty Lines Express
from Manhattan and Gagnon Bus Service from Queens

Step three: Rank Your choices.

On the back of the Admission Ticket you will need to rank, in priority order, your choices for the Specialized High Schools to which you want to apply. You will need to submit your ranking of the Specialized High Schools on the day of the test,
and the ticket must be signed by your parent. You and your parents will need to determine the Specialized High Schools for which you wish to be considered and the ranking order in which you will list them on your application.

Consider the focus of the academic program, the size of the school, travel arrangements, as well as travel time. You may choose to apply for only one school, or you can choose to apply to as
many as eight schools. To increase your chances of being offered a seat in one of the Specialized High Schools, you are encouraged to choose as many schools as interest you; however, you should only list schools that you wish to attend should you be offered a seat.

SHSAT Testing Procedures

Remember to bring your admission ticket with you to your assigned test site on the day of the test. It is important to arrive at the test site at the time indicated on your SHSAT admission ticket. Please be advised that your picture will be taken at the test site prior to the start of the test.

On the back of the SHSAT Admission Ticket you must rank, in priority order, the Specialized High Schools to which you want to apply. This sheet must be signed by your parent. You will also be required to indicate this ranking on
the answer sheet.

Before you begin the test, you will be asked to read and sign a statement indicating that you are well enough to take the test and are taking it at the appropriate grade level. If you do not feel well, advise the test proctor immediately; do not begin the test, and do not sign the statement.

Students please note: If you believe there is interference during any part of this test, you must bring the matter to the attention of the proctor immediately. This may include a misprinted test booklet, undue noise, or improper student behavior. The proctor will attempt to remedy the situation and take a written statement from you at the end of the test.


Vicky said...

That was really helpful, thanks!

Anonymous said...

WOW that test was hard!!


Fahim said...

that test was really cool/ it was ok not to easy or hard.